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Accell Group Annual Reporting ’16-’22

Accell Group / Annual Reporting ’16-’22

Accell Group looked for a partner in Mattmo who offered various services for the production of their annual reports: strategic consultancy, design and online publication of the annual report, copywriters and translators NL/EN, corporate storytelling, overall project management and tooling.

In addition to the above-mentioned services, we also offered the former listed Accell Group consultancy for integrated reporting based on the International Reporting Framework, integrated communication advice and social media and tooling for their press releases in the context of (semi-)annual reports. We advise them annually on developments in (integrated) reporting, including GRI, ESEF and CSRD.

The portfolio holder of (inter)national bicycle brands, parts and accessories such as Batavus, Haibike, Raleigh, Lapierre, Koga, Babboe and Sparta – is relieved of the intensive production of the annual report and takes new steps every year in purpose-driven integrated reporting .
