OCI Global - Annual Report 2023 cover

OCI Global annual report 2023

Een frisse start

In 2023, Mattmo had the opportunity to support OCI Global in the production of their integrated annual report with a fresh approach.


OCI sought creative support for producing their integrated annual report. Their requirements included ensuring consistency with OCI’s brand style, aligning images and illustrations, redesigning infographics, and unifying the submissions from various writers to achieve a consistent tone of voice.


Mattmo began with a thorough analysis of the previous report, mapping out and prioritizing areas for improvement. They enhanced consistency and alignment with OCI’s brand style in the realization of these improvements. Visual elements such as images, infographics, and illustrations were better coordinated.

By editing the texts from a diverse group of contributors, Mattmo created a cohesive and professional document. Additionally, Mattmo provided critical ‘in-tool’ support within Tangelo.


The result is an annual report that is not only visually appealing and consistent but also clear and informative. With Mattmo’s support, OCI was able to present an annual report that reflects their professionalism and attention to detail, effectively informing and convincing the reader.